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Our service team for PC and video products

After sales service ? With CVC more thean the past 30 years it is a metter of course for us.

We repair all makes - no matter where purchased ...
Also installation, maintenance and sale of systems - all from one source!

Short repair times, low prices, courteous service - that`s the way our customers are handled.

SERVICE HOTLINE: 06855-996046

Network and PC system check

Have your company network checked for security gaps and reliable function.
Our service technicians come on site and check their systems for faults.
Give us a call or just send us your problem description with details of your system.

Now refresh your LED-Screen

Now recalibrate your LED-Screen. Remove every pixel error, clean up the screen, make all color look great. One time inspection - lot problems will be gone.
Now, we from CVC, are able to calibrate and repair your screen bought anywhere.
Give us a call or send us your request with pictures from your screen, controller and problems and we check what we can do for you !

download ESET security

ESET Smart SecurityAntivirus AntiSpyware FireWall AntiSpam Child-Security


download Teamviewer

Please download this software if need remote service from our service team


cable manufacturing

cable manufactoring We manufacture cable as you wish ! Use our call-back service !

film transfer

Filmtransfer Super8 Normal8

Filmtransfer - We transfer your Normal 8, Super8, VHS, S-VHS, Video 2000, Betamax, Hi8, Digital 8, CVC and more to DVD, Blu-Ray or Harddisk.
Use our call-back service !

Slide digitization We digitize your Slides starting at 20 cent / each - up to 18 Megapixel in RAW Format - ask us for special offer
Use our call-back service !

Our service workshop:
In this area of our offer, too, we always pursue the goal of providing our customers with competent and reliable service. To ensure this we have in our team in Freisen electronics with years of experience in the service of PC and broadcast technology. All employees complement each other perfectly with their skills and experience. We can offer the highest quality of work, from "simple" cable repair to challenging repair of equipment. A security check of network-dependent devices according to VDE is always part of a repair or service. Of course, we carry out all service work on the purchased and foreign equipment in our workshop.